Useful resources

Established in 2014 under the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia, Enterprise Georgia is a sole public agency responsible for business support, export promotion and investment in Georgia's key economic sectors. The Business division of the agency promotes entrepreneurial activity in Georgia by supporting entrepreneurs – assisting with the creation of new enterprises as well as the expansion and refurbishment of existing enterprises.
The Georgian Agency for Innovation and Technology’s goal is to create an effective system in Georgia whereby innovation and technology can be developed, as well as to promote the commercialization of innovative knowledge in order to incorporate the latest technologies into all economic sectors and to create the necessary platform for innovative development.
Rural Development Agency (RDA) was established in 2012 by the Ministry of Agriculture in order to promote rural development in Georgia. The Agency implements a variety of projects initiated by the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia. Its mission is to promote the growth of the welfare of farmers and rural residents by providing the necessary resources in the most efficient and correct manner.
Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry is the biggest business union in the country. The Chamber aims to improve Georgias' economic development by supporting the business in Georgia. Through open dialogue and advocacy, the Chamber supports business sector in voicing their concerns and overcoming any challenges. GCCI is represented in all intergovernmental commissions and working groups significant for the business, to ensure that interests of all business entities, especially regional SMEs, are protected.
The SME Development Association (SMEDA) is a membership-based, independent non-profit organization that aims to nurture and promote the growth and development of SMEs through advocacy, innovative approaches tailored to their needs, consulting and training.
Georgian Employers’ Association was founded in 2000. The association is an independent, membership-based organization working in accordance with the requirements, standards and conventions of employers (industrialists and entrepreneurs) and international labor organizations. Its goal is to represent its members as large, medium and small companies working in different sectors of the economy, come out on their behalf and promote entrepreneurship in the country to achieve more stability, social-economic development, new jobs and dignified conditions of labor.
The Business Association of Georgia (BAG) is a leader organization of business society which creates value to its members, advocates their interests, works on the improvement of the business environment and on the development of networking between its members. BAG unites more than 100 companies. Most of them are the holding type groups. The holding groups include different number of large, medium and small business organizations, which means that the Business Association of Georgia united more than 800 companies.
The Export Development Association (EDA) was founded in 2012 with the mission to help Georgian enterprises grow and diversify their exports through capacity building, advocacy, and promotion.
Georgian Farmers’ Association (GFA) is an umbrella organization founded in 2012, which unites more than 5,000 farmers. The mission of the association is to strengthen the agriculture sector in Georgia and improve quality of life of Georgian farmers through bringing them together and improve their visibility. GFA’s core activities are based on providing farmers with support and advocacy, building their capacity and networking capabilities, and empowering them and the agriculture sectors they are involved in by bringing the best agricultural practices and expertise.
EU-Georgia Business Council (EUGBC) is a non-profit association founded by Georgian and European companies in 2006 in Brussels.
Georgian Tourism Association is an organization of Private Tourism Companies, Hotels, Wine companies, Transport, Airlines, and VET Colleges in Georgia. The association was founded in 2006 to promote: cooperation between the tourism companies in Georgia; cooperation between the private and public sectors; capacity building and quality management for tourism services; accessibility of tourism information and country marketing; sustainable tourism development in Georgia; regional tourism development.
“Georgian Distribution Business Association” aims to analyze experience and best practices of foreign countries, in order to prepare specific proposals and recommendations for legislative and executive authorities, in close cooperation with international/local organizations and state sector, which can be implemented in the local market. The mission of GDBA is to advocate for GDBA members to create a strong, separate but equal business and legislative environment to maximize efficient distribution practices and services.
The association aims to protect the interests of small and medium businesses, to promote the creation of healthy competitive conditions in the country, as well as to establish active communications between SMEs and public agencies, financial institutions and international organizations.
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